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  • Giovanna Ceserani, ‘Mapping the 18th-century Grand Tour of Italy digitally: where was the money in 18th-century travel?’ at the workshop on economic history and digital techniques, Harvard Business School, (6June 2017

  • Giovanna Ceserani, '‘Family Ties on the Grand Tour’ at the symposium  'Family Ties: Exploring Kinship and Creative Production in Nineteenth-Century Britain', University of Otago, Dunedin NZ (14/2/2017) 

  • Giovanna Ceserani, ‘The Grand Tour Explorer: creating dynamic and interactive digital resource for the study of eighteenth-century travel to Italy’, Cesta Seminar, Stanford (17/1/2017) watch here

  • Giovanna Ceserani, ‘Mapping the 18th-century Grand Tour of Italy digitally: British Travelers and Shapes of Architecture’ at the Italian Studies Colloquium, Brown University (12/4/2015)

  • Giovanna Ceserani and Thea de Armond, ‘Early Modern Material Pasts: Architects, Proto-Archaeologists, and the Power of Images in the Eighteenth Century’ at the SCS panel "What can Early Modernity do for Classics?", New Orleans (1/9/2015)

  • Giovanna Ceserani, ‘Visual Bridges to Times Past,’ Keynote at "For The Time is Out of Joint", University of British Columbia CNERS Graduate Conference (5/3/2014)

  • Giovanna Ceserani and Sarah Murray, ‘Mapping the Grand Tour: A Conversation on Teaching and Research in the Digital Humanities,’ Davidson College (9/10/2012)

  • Sarah Murray, ‘Grand Tour Travelers in Context,’ at a meeting of the Central Carolinas (Charlotte) Society of the Archaeological Institute of America (9/11/2012)

  • Sarah Murray, ‘Mapping the Republic of Letters: An Intellectual Geography of the Enlightenment,’ at the "2012 Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California: Beyond the Network", Palo Alto, CA (5/14/2012)

  • Giovanna Ceserani, Nicole Coleman, and Sarah Murray, ‘Visualizing the Grand Tour,’ at the "Modern Journeys and Ancient Lands: Traveling to the Past Workshop", Stanford, CA (9/30/11)

  • Giovanna Ceserani, ‘Mapping the Republic of Letters: Visualizing Early Modern Networks’ at the "Intellectual Geography: Comparative Studies, 1550-1700" conference, St. Anne’s College, Oxford UK (11/ 7/2011) watch here

  • Sarah Murray and Molly Taylor-Poleskey, ‘The Grand Tour in Context: New Perspectives on Early Travel,’ at the "Mapping the Republic of Letters" Conference, Venice, Italy (3/17/2011)

  • Sarah Murray and Molly Taylor-Poleskey, ‘Travelers to Vasi’s Rome: Mapping Eighteenth-Century Mobility,’ at the "Symposium Una Roma Visuale: New Research on Giuseppe Vasi", Eugene, OR, (11/12/2010)